Friday, January 20, 2012

Now this is a HOT mess!!

Apparently there are people in the black community that believe that Jay-Z's song about his daughter (I can't with the name), "Glory", will inspire young absentee fathers to do a better job at parenting because they will look to Jay-Z as a role model.  Bless their hearts.  The idea that swarms of deadbeat fathers all over the land or even five of them will suddenly "see the light" and decide they're going to be good fathers because Jay-Z made a song about his daughter is pretty desperate.  His job is to make songs.  Helloooo? I'm pretty sure single parent homes have increased since Stevie Wonder released "Isn't She Lovely".  Pretty sure that fact can't be attributed to him.  At least not by anyone with more than one functioning brain cell.

Newsflash:  Jay-Z already has a 9 year old son with Shenelle Scott, a video model from Trinidad, and to a WHOLE lot of people, this is NOT news.  We knew about it when he supposedly bought her off for a million bucks and bought her a house in the islands to keep her quiet.  Google, people.  He supposedly provides very well financially for them and while I have not heard anything about whether or not father and son have a relationship, I have seen the readily-available-on-the-internet pictures of the boy and you can see the resemblance.  Fortunately, the boy is still cute as can be, his mother to thank for it. 

Now, according to Beyonce', she's been riding her camel with her husband for ten years.  This is what she said in the same Australian interview where her "stomach" folded over when she sat down.  Do the math, but not even my point.  Here's my question to those who think he's Cliff Huxtable 2.0:  Does a good father acknowledge one child and hide the presence of another for the sake of his image?  Is this what people want to see more of?   I would hope not, I think we have quite enough of this as it is, that's how people end up having three eyed babies with their siblings years down the line - trying to hide kids away.  That's how the community got so fractured to begin with and this is why we're so messed up with our mindset on this.  We started letting fathers just walk away from their families and deny the fact that they even existed.  Then they'd go off to another city or state and make another family to dump somewhere else.  Guess that's how they want their families to look.  I'll pass.  I'd prefer to see our community do BETTER in this area.  Idolizing someone who has demonstratively missed the mark would only make the problem worse. 

What say you?

One of very few "political" posts you'll see here...

I didn't watch, but I'm sure by now many of you have heard all about last night's CNN Southern Republican Presidential Debate.  I'm sure just as many of you have heard about the ex-wife of Newt Gingrich giving an interview during which she claims that he asked her for an open marriage and she refused, resulting in their divorce.  Hey look, the whole lot of them (Democrats, Republicans, the like) are up to much worse than that I'm sure and if I had my way I'd fire every single one of them and replace them all.  But I don't do political discussions so anyhoo...I'm talking about this because it's a sad state of affairs that moderator John King chose to OPEN the debate by asking Gingrich about his ex-wife's allegations.  Now, I'm sure most of us figured it would come up at some point, but to begin it that way?  A question like that deserves the ire it got.  Way to keep it classy America.  Come on, people!

RIP Madame Etta James

At Last, you rest in peace.  We'll miss you.  For those who may not know a lot about Etta, I encourage you to do a little digging.  Her life is interesting stuff. 

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Oh REALLY, Marky Mark? (stupid people saying stupid things...)

So apparently Mark Wahlberg told Men's Journal in an interview that "If I was on that plane with my kids, it wouldn't have went down like it did.  There would have been a lot of blood in that first class cabin and then me saying, "OK, we're going to land somewhere safely, don't worry."  This idiot is, of course, referring to Flight 93 that crashed as passengers attempted to overtake the hijackers.  Maybe he should have just stayed Marky Mark and made garbage "rap pop" music and faded off into the abyss a la Vanilla Ice.

The widow of one of those heroes he couldn't be if he begged, Dena Burnett-Bailey, had this to say in response to this clown insulting the memory of her husband Thomas Burnett, "Does Mark Wahlberg have a pilot's license?  Then I think hindsight is 20/20 and it's insignificant to say what you would have done if you weren't there.  The plan for Flight 93 was foiled by heroes.  For him to speculate that his presence on board could have stopped everything is silly and disrespectful.  Sounds like someone is grandstanding."  I know that's right.

Anyhow, he quickly apologized, saying "To speculate about such a situation is ridiculous to begin with.  I deeply apologize to the families of the victims that my answer came off as insensitive, it was certainly not my intention."  His publicist didn't do too bad with that one.  I actually think he'll manage to keep his career if he doesn't say anything else stupid.  Our society likes to forgive.  He'd better hope they do so he can feed all those kids he keeps having.  Who does he think he is, Chuck Norris?

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Village Is Dead

It used to take a village...

Our children would do what an adult told them to do whether they had your last name or not but somewhere along the way they decided that to discipline your child to keep your seed from dying on the concrete instead of growing into a rose was to abuse your child so we let our children run wild and we cry when mama gotta bury her seed and that rose ends up on top of that baby’s casket.  Where was the village?

The only time our children had any business on the block was to shoot hoops and jump loops, play hopscotch and four square and everybody knew they betta have they ass inside before the street lights came on  - now the kids on the block hold guns and dope instead of balls and rope and the only chalk you find on the sidewalk now is in a never ending line in the shape of a girl who grew up on the block and got shot a week before med school.  Where was the village?

When it became ok to look the other way while our children went astray, where was the village?

When parents decided to let TV, HD, PS3, BET, MTV, VH1, Keesha from up the street, and anything or anyone other than themselves take on the responsibility of raising their seed, where was the village?

Our daughters grew up playing with dolls that looked like babies, now they’re havin’ ‘em while they still are. 

Our sons used to wanna play with toy soldiers, now they pullin’ out different soldiers and the battle becomes life long. 

Our parents used to care about how their children ended up, who their friends were, who their mothers were, what time they went to bed, what they watched on tv, hell even what they ate. 

Our parents used to be concerned about the grades our kids brought home, how they conducted themselves in school cause you better not get up in there and embarrass me! 

Our parents used to come up to the schools and meet our teachers, they used to actually show up for field trips and conferences and hell, they even signed permission slips. 

When our parents stopped helping our kids with their homework and teaching them to read and write because then they’d act white, where was the village?

When our sons and daughters started making babies together, and people stopped parenting their own damn children and started throwing them away to the Crips and the Bloods, where was the village?

What’s wrong father?  Oh right, you weren’t ready to be one, so you just bounced over to the next chick you ain’t ready to have a kid with.  Do you have a son or a daughter?  Do you know?

What happened mother?  Too busy trying to “get yours” that you didn’t notice your daughter was getting hers too?  Congratulations Grannie.  35?  No, that’s not too young to be a grandmother! 

How about you neighbor?  When did you stop caring enough to stop that 17 year old boy from taking that little 14 year old girl behind the building because he wanted to show her how much he LOVED her?  Why don’t you tell her father who planted the seed of his grandchild in her womb since she ain’t sayin?  And don’t worry about calling the police on that teenage boy selling dope right in front of your house.  Don’t look down on him now.  You shouldda done that back in the day when he still looked up to you.  But you decided to sit back and watch his stare turn to dope boys with blue rags and shake your head ‘cause you just don’t understand what’s wrong with kids today.  What difference could you have made…villager?

When we decided to let our seed die, let their dreams die, let their futures die, and let their minds die, therefore letting ourselves die, did we let the village die too? 

Where is the village now?

The village is dead.

In News That Shocks No One...

Jim Irsay has fired Jim Caldwell as Head Coach of the Indianapolis Colts (GO COLTS!!!!) after a dismal 2-14 season.  Hopefully next year is better, I sure as hell hope it ain't worse!!

No wonder people call Americans lazy...

Chicago Woman Fired for Working Off The Clock Wins Unemployment Claim

For those of you too lazy to click the link, here's the rundown in a nutshell...
Sharon Smiley was a receptionist/administrative for a Chicago real estate company until she was fired from her job because she was working on an assignment during her lunch break.  A manager approached her and advised her she needed to leave for her lunch, she refused and was terminated.  She had been denied unemployment benefits THREE TIMES by the Illinois Department of Employment Security because they determined the reason for her termination was related to "misconduct connected to her work".  She then took the case to circuit court where it was determined that the should, indeed, receive benefits.

Now let me say, I can definitely understand both sides of this story.  I understand the employer's actions because they have a policy regarding lunch breaks that they had spoken with her about more than once.  She was asked to stop working during her lunch and she refused, which is insubordination by its definition.  Most employers (though I can barely tell) see this as grounds for termination and rightfully so.  They're paying you to do what they want you to do and if you refuse to do that, they can refuse to allow you to keep working for them, at least in her state and a few others, mine included.  I don't know when it started but it seems as though we're moving to this mentality where we tell our employers, the people that pay us, what we are and aren't going to do and then we want to sue them when they fire us.  When did that become acceptable?  I could go on about that all day.  But let's talk about the other thing that pisses me off...

Why was this even an issue?  It was HER time to do with as she pleased and she CHOSE to spend it doing additional work for her employer in order to complete a project.  Seems like her desk was in a reception area so interruptions must have been frequent and unpredictable and the extra time was probably a necessity in order to get it done right.  It was certainly her stupidity because clearly the job was stressful enough to induce a stroke in 2009.  I know firsthand what it's like to become so engrossed in work that you burn yourself out and before you know it, you're somewhere on your back.  No bueno.  Still it was her choice and the health issue aside, they should have been glad to have an employee that was willing to put in extra work in an era where you can barely find people willing to do it.

I work(ed) with people every day who could care less about doing the job they're actually there to do.  I work(ed) with people who spend so much time trying to find a way to NOT do their work that they could have actually had it done twice by the time all is said and done.  Now I do realize that there is probably more to the story that we will probably never know, but based on this, I think it's damned sad that people who want to work hard (insubordination aside) are encouraged not to. 

Link courtesy of GMA via Yahoo News


Welcome to my blog!  I'm going to talk about everything from news stories that catch my eye to product reviews and quite a bit in between.  Since I'm a writer, my work will be featured as well; a few short stories, maybe even some serials.  If there's something you'd like to see, let me know.  I'd love to see as much participation and FRIENDLY discussion as possible so have fun and remember, it's only one girl's opinion.  I'm just a girl ranting about the random, but I'm sure I'll ruffle a few feathers at some point.  So get ready and enjoy!