So Rush Limbaugh issued an apology for the mind numbingly sexist and ignorant remarks he made about Sandra Fluke. Most likely because he was bleeding sponsors and he probably felt he had no choice. Just like I said, he'll probably be on his best behavior for a good while, but he'll still be around, spewing the same narrow minded thinking he always has. I truly couldn't care less.
What I do care about is what this says about how far women have come in this society, how far we still have to go, and for heaven's sake, why? Why do we even have people who think it's right to have a discussion about an issue that affect women without having at least one woman involved in the discussion? Why is it that there are people like Limbaugh who think it's perfectly acceptable to make remarks like that about women in a society where, at least by law, we're all created equally? I mean, supposedly women have equal rights. Or is that only as long as we "know our place"?
I believe that we, as women, have to accept our share of responsibility for the fact that this type of mentality still exists. We have to conduct ourselves in a manner that commands respect. If we want to be seen as women and not objects, we can't objectify ourselves by doing things that demean us as women. We have to respect ourselves first and make that self respect OBVIOUS to those around us in the way that we behave and the way that we conduct ourselves.
We have to start using our brains to get ahead, not our bodies and our looks, which fade I don't care how much plastic surgery there is. Women spend so much money buying fake breasts, behinds, lips, and hair because society wants us to believe that the more attractive we are physically, the more money there is for us. That may be the case for a little while, especially if we want to be video models or strippers, industries created specifically to exploit women.
We need to spend money on educating ourselves instead of buying body parts that we weren't meant to have in the first place. If more of us start using our brains to get ahead instead of using our bodies we may have more opportunities presented to us that require the use of our brains and not our looks. Then we may be taken more seriously.
It's much hotter to be a smart rich girl. When the wrinkles on your face stop you from paying the bills, you always have the ones in your brain to fall back on. I think we'll do ourselves a great justice to put this into more frequent practice.
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