Friday, January 20, 2012

One of very few "political" posts you'll see here...

I didn't watch, but I'm sure by now many of you have heard all about last night's CNN Southern Republican Presidential Debate.  I'm sure just as many of you have heard about the ex-wife of Newt Gingrich giving an interview during which she claims that he asked her for an open marriage and she refused, resulting in their divorce.  Hey look, the whole lot of them (Democrats, Republicans, the like) are up to much worse than that I'm sure and if I had my way I'd fire every single one of them and replace them all.  But I don't do political discussions so anyhoo...I'm talking about this because it's a sad state of affairs that moderator John King chose to OPEN the debate by asking Gingrich about his ex-wife's allegations.  Now, I'm sure most of us figured it would come up at some point, but to begin it that way?  A question like that deserves the ire it got.  Way to keep it classy America.  Come on, people!

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