Saturday, May 12, 2012

Headlines - Hudson family murder trial, Balfour found guilty on all counts

William Balfour was found guilty of being a complete madman.  What he did was so despicable that I really don't even want to repeat it, especially what he did to the baby.  But I've always been a big fan of Jennifer Hudson's and my heart broke for her when all this happened.  I pray that she and her sister stick together, stay strong and live their lives with happy memories of their loved ones.  I pray especially for Julia, I can't imagine she hasn't felt any guilt behind this horrible thing that someone else did because she married him.  But who thinks of the unthinkable?  I pray she for no reason blames herself.  This probably isn't the end of it because he can probably try to appeal, but it had to be a HUGE relief.  Jennifer and Julia have handled the whole thing with a lot of class well, in fact, it would be hard to imagine that it's any different privately.

I continue to admire these ladies for how well they've been able to navigate the media circus that's surrounded this from the beginning.  The Houston family could really learn something from these two ladies.  Go ahead, read the next post and tell me I'm wrong.

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