Saturday, May 12, 2012

Houston Family Chronicles

Yep.  Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, who made money off Whitney Houston when she was alive has signed up for a reality show so that they can keep making money off of her now that she's dead.  They're using the whole "Oh we were going to do it anyway, this was in the works BEFORE Whitney died..." excuse. 


Every single member of that family has been talking to the media NON STOP since she died and not one of them mentioned anything about a reality show having been in the works at the time of her death.  Do you REALLY think they would have missed the chance to bring that up?  Not with all the media whoring they've been doing.  The reasons for Whitney's problems are becoming more clear the more these people run their mouths.  No wonder she had so many issues.  Seems like she's better off where she is now.  Yeah, I said it.  Am I that far off base?

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