Sunday, June 24, 2012

Where's the Outrage?

Apparently these two clowns Fist Chris Brown and Drake went at it in a nightclub last weekend or something like that.  Seems that Chris Brown sent Drake a bottle of champagne, Drake decided to send back a note reminding Chris that he (like the rest of Hollywood) is still screwing Rihanna and that's when ish went left.

Actually, no.  The whole damn thing started off wayyyy left.

First of all, you have two spoiled, entitled, thugs award winning artists who are dealing with the same woman on some level, one of whom is still on probation because he beat the living crap out of her.  The other who is more sensitive than the skin in his own pants.  Anyway, these clowns first missed the fact that they are not special, everyone in the industry has done, is doing, will do Rihanna at some point.  This is not a secret.  Drake even tweeted about it. So to start off, they're really fighting about nothing.  Trash.

But if they like it, I love it.  Anyway, the whole thing turns into a melee, bottles are thrown, pictures of stitches are being Tweeted and Instagram'd all over the place and...Tony Parker is suing the club for $20 million?


Doesn't all this sound ridiculous and stupid to you?  Why is this always black people?  Why can't we be out in large numbers at a club and have a fun night without a bunch of drama popping off?  This is why we can't have nice places to party because we always want to fight about something,or in this case, nothing.  When is the last time you even heard of two white celebrities publicly fighting over a woman?  When is the last time a white club had to get shut down because there was too much fighting?  Sure it happens, but look at how much more often it's us doing this stupid sh*&.  Then those of us who actually know how to act in public get turned away from certain bars and clubs because they look at us and see how stupid these and other clowns before us acted.


We get mad as soon as someone points out how stupid we look or act and people want to get mad at white journalists who call Drake or Chris Brown "thugs".  Their behavior that night was petty, childish, and yes, thuggish whether someone white is saying it or not.  Be mad all you want, but it's the truth.  Both of them AND the thugs they were clubbin' with that night exhibited thuggish behavior and that's what they should have been called, I don't care how many records they've sold.

What else is sad about this is how they've handled things since, with Drake's camp saying they won't cooperate with the police because they don't "snitch".  Then on the other end, Chris Brown cooperating fully with the police because he's on probation for beating the hell out of the slut they've been fighting over.

This whole picture is all messed up here.

But this, yet again, is black on black violence at its pettiest and yet, there's no outrage from the black community at the fact that these celebrities are, yet again, not only a poor representation of the best of us, but a poor influence as well.  No outrage that, yet again, another black celebrity is setting a bad example and making us look like a bunch of gang banging thugs.  No outrage at the fact that these are the people that we're allowing to influence our children.

Have we desensitized ourselves to that point?  We couldn't really be that deeply in denial, could we?

We get outraged when white people kill us, like George Zimmerman, but how come we don't get outraged when we kill each other?  People like George Zimmerman aren't the ones shooting young black men on street corners, THEY ARE KILLING EACH OTHER!  We don't need help from murderers like Zimmerman, we're doing just fine destroying ourselves, thank you very much.  How come we can turn on the TV and sit and watch story after story about how one unidentified black male is dead after being gunned down by another unidentified black male but we don't blink an eye?  I haven't heard about a single march in Chicago this year, where forty and fifty people have been getting shot in SINGLE WEEKENDS.  Where's our outrage at that number?

There are some broken things in our community that need to be fixed.  We should be outraged with ourselves that we've allowed it to go on for this long and we need to start being outraged at anything that sets out to destroy our community.  We need to stop standing in our own way and stand in the way of the destructive forces that we've allowed to reign for far too long.  Even if the problem is us.

Thursday, June 7, 2012



You mean two- and three-hundred pound men running around a field at top speed towards each other and crashing countless times over four quarters is RISKY?  That playing a sport requiring its players to WEAR HELMETS could possibly result in permanent brain injuries or Alzheimer's later on in life?  That a sport that has to have a RULE barring bounties on players for hits could possibly cause brain damage?

*crosses arms*  Well, this hopelessly-addicted-to-watching-football gal just doesn't believe it. 

But there's good news!  Looks like I'm not alone in this, my utter disbelief.  Apparently, LOTS of former NFL players and their families agree with me.  I mean, they're suing the NFL because they say the NFL intentionally hid the dangers permanent brain injury from playing this sport they know inside and out.  Now they want the NFL to pay for their medical care and monitoring for future signs of brain damage.  They say the league relied on biased studies about brain injury that were self funded and presented that information to the players as fact in an effort to hide the dangers of the game from these, the PLAYERS OF THE GAME, who know it so well.  I do have a question for the plaintiffs though:  Would any of you play football in the NFL without a helmet?  No, right?  But why?


Every single one of you knows this when you first start playing the game!  I know that if my nephew gets out there on the field we're just going to have to buckle our seat belts and monitor our blood pressure.  Those of you who had both parents at home remember the argument they had when they discussed you playing football and how your mother freaked out at the thought of you getting hurt out there.  Think she was worried for nothing?  You are all made aware of the rules and the dangers of getting hit, you're even taught how to hit properly to avoid injuring yourself (Troy Polamalu did NOT listen, clearly).  You get an extra ten, twenty pounds of padding to put on, not because the game is so safe, BUT BECAUSE YOU COULD GET HURT OTHERWISE!!

Let me ask another question:  How many of you are ready to sue the NFL because of that achy joint or bone every time it gets cold because of that injury you got on the field?  No one?  But why?

INJURIES ARE PART OF THE GAME!!  Yes, even brain injuries.

Now I realize that a lot of you aren't the sharpest tools in the shed to begin with.  No one's fooled, we know a lot of you did very little of your own schoolwork, especially in college.  But this is basic common sense.  Of course, judging by the number of you that don't have enough common sense not to blow away $50 million dollars in less than ten years, I realize asking some of you to embrace common sense may be a bit much to ask.  I wonder how much of this lawsuit IS about the fact that in 2009, Sports Illustrated estimated that 78% of you are bankrupt within TWO YEARS of retirement.

Wrapping your head around THAT can cause permanent brain damage!

That aside, take responsibility for your own personal safety and health.  You can get a degree and do something besides play a sport that requires pads and a helmet for safety.  There are other ways to make lots of money that don't involve putting your health and the security of the families you may have at risk.  If you're that concerned about football, I encourage you to try something else.  Don't blame the NFL for letting you play, most of you would have played no matter the cost so this lawsuit seems not only ridiculous, but pointless at that. it September yet?

Saturday, June 2, 2012

"Father" of 30

I need some help figuring this one out.

In 2009, 30 year old Desmond Hatchett appeared in a Tennessee court to answer to them regarding child support.  Tennessee has verified through DNA tests that this guy, who works ONE MINIMUN WAGE JOB has fathered 21 children with 11 different women.

Anyway, they wanted him to explain to them how he intends to pay child support since all the mothers are on welfare with some of them getting less than $2 a month for child support.  Half of his minimum wage paycheck goes to the eleven dumbasses that allowed him to knock them up.  More on that later.  Anyway, he asked for help and was declined.  Good for you, Tennessee.  Get another damn job!  Are you serious?  I have NO children and have worked THREE jobs at a time, what the hell?!  Lazy bastard!

When interviewed after court, he said he was pretty sure he was done having kids.

If only he wasn't full of s**t.

Fast forward to May, 2012.  Yep, last month.  Dirty Desmond the Dynamic Dick Distributor is back in court.  THIS time, he's again asking for a break on child support payments.  Only now, there are 30 children.


See, that's what messed my head up.  Sure, it would have been bad if new women had gotten knocked up by this trifling man when his face has been on TV, but these women are TEN TIMES more trifling than he is for this.  You mean to tell me you already have a child or more than one with this man, so you already know about all the bastard children he's not taking care of.

HOW COULD YOU EVEN SLEEP WITH THIS MAN?!?!  You are ALL disgusting and you make women look bad.  Period.  Clearly, none of you trifling women are worried about diseases that could leave your children orphans so it's obvious that you not only don't care about yourself, but you don't care about your children.  Funny enough, women like this are the first ones somewhere hollerin' about how they want better for their children than they had.  That doesn't mean they have an XBox AND a PS3 when you only had an old school Nintendo, it has nothing to do with material things.

If you want better for your children, you don't want them to be one of thirty siblings!  You can't provide for them!  You can't get any money from him and you knew that in 2009 so why would any one of you dumb broads keep breeding with this bastard?  Clearly you're not the only woman he's with, doesn't at least THAT matter?  You know you can get condoms ANYWHERE, right?  If you're on welfare I know damned well the state will pay for your birth control.  Obviously, you're not breeding with him for the money because clearly he has none.  Bastard won't even get a second job or try to better himself so he can get one job that pays more than minimum wage.

These women just don't care, and it makes no sense.  You got any ideas?  Cause I can't figure out what the hell is wrong with any one of these stupid women.

Friday, June 1, 2012

John Edwards

John Edwards got off.


It was more of a shock that they brought the case at all.  Clearly, this guy is about the biggest narcissist politics has seen in a really long time and definitely the second biggest cad (that award firmly remains in the hands of Newt Gingrich).  He cheated on his wife as she battled, and later succombed to, cancer.  He didn't use protection, not only exposing his sick wife to STD's, but also knocking up his TRASHY mistress Rielle Hunter.

Of course the money was to cover up the affair because he wanted to be President.  I doubt very seriously that he was all that worried about his wife finding out, a guy this full of himself couldn't possibly have put this in motion to benefit someone other than himself.  Especially since he cheated on her as she battled cancer.  But there was just about no way they were going to prove it.  A waste of too much taxpayer money desperately needed for more important things.

Don't get me wrong, I'd love to have seen this jackass pay for what he did to his wife and how he tried to fool people while he was running for office.  This guy cheated on his wife as she battled cancer, and with one of the TRASHIEST, loudest, classless women I've seen since that Armenian chick on reality TV.  Let's be honest, Edwards is a very attractive man who seems to be aging pretty well, probably got a few good years left in him.  Could he not do better than a woman in her 40's who approaches him and tells him he's "hot"?


Then he (because he is such a narcissist) goes and does the interview with Bob Woodruff saying there's no way Quinn is his child, that he didn't know about any money being paid to his trick.  Good luck with her when she finally sees that video.  But the icing on the cake is the press conference you KNEW he was going to give after the trial.  "I don't think God's through with me yet...", "To my precious Quinn (insert obligatory fake choking up emotion)..." " and me alone..."

Yeah Johnny, we know.

News in the Trayvon Martin case...

George Zimmerman has 48 hours to report to jail for being a liar.

Today a judge determined that both Zimmerman and his wife lied about $100,000 they had in a PayPal account.  I'm not surprised at all.  When I found out how much had been raised, I knew he had to have had at least some of it at the time of his bond hearing.  And it was easy for me to tell she was lying during that testimony, trying to be all careful with her words.  Girl please.

Then it comes out that Zimmerman turned in a passport that he had reported lost or stolen and had since had replaced.  Problem is, he held on to the replacement passport that he got, which is valid so he still had a passport and $200,000 in his PayPal account.

Now why would anyone want to hide money and a passport?  Hmmmm....

Not the best picture he's painting of himself.  He's now painting himself as a liar.  We all know how it goes.  If he hasn't done anything wrong, why keep money and a passport hidden while you're facing trial for something he says was self defense?  Why lie about anything if you didn't do it?

Don't let the doorknob hit ya...have fun in solitary.