George Zimmerman has 48 hours to report to jail for being a liar.
Today a judge determined that both Zimmerman and his wife lied about $100,000 they had in a PayPal account. I'm not surprised at all. When I found out how much had been raised, I knew he had to have had at least some of it at the time of his bond hearing. And it was easy for me to tell she was lying during that testimony, trying to be all careful with her words. Girl please.
Then it comes out that Zimmerman turned in a passport that he had reported lost or stolen and had since had replaced. Problem is, he held on to the replacement passport that he got, which is valid so he still had a passport and $200,000 in his PayPal account.
Now why would anyone want to hide money and a passport? Hmmmm....
Not the best picture he's painting of himself. He's now painting himself as a liar. We all know how it goes. If he hasn't done anything wrong, why keep money and a passport hidden while you're facing trial for something he says was self defense? Why lie about anything if you didn't do it?
Don't let the doorknob hit ya...have fun in solitary.
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