Friday, June 1, 2012

John Edwards

John Edwards got off.


It was more of a shock that they brought the case at all.  Clearly, this guy is about the biggest narcissist politics has seen in a really long time and definitely the second biggest cad (that award firmly remains in the hands of Newt Gingrich).  He cheated on his wife as she battled, and later succombed to, cancer.  He didn't use protection, not only exposing his sick wife to STD's, but also knocking up his TRASHY mistress Rielle Hunter.

Of course the money was to cover up the affair because he wanted to be President.  I doubt very seriously that he was all that worried about his wife finding out, a guy this full of himself couldn't possibly have put this in motion to benefit someone other than himself.  Especially since he cheated on her as she battled cancer.  But there was just about no way they were going to prove it.  A waste of too much taxpayer money desperately needed for more important things.

Don't get me wrong, I'd love to have seen this jackass pay for what he did to his wife and how he tried to fool people while he was running for office.  This guy cheated on his wife as she battled cancer, and with one of the TRASHIEST, loudest, classless women I've seen since that Armenian chick on reality TV.  Let's be honest, Edwards is a very attractive man who seems to be aging pretty well, probably got a few good years left in him.  Could he not do better than a woman in her 40's who approaches him and tells him he's "hot"?


Then he (because he is such a narcissist) goes and does the interview with Bob Woodruff saying there's no way Quinn is his child, that he didn't know about any money being paid to his trick.  Good luck with her when she finally sees that video.  But the icing on the cake is the press conference you KNEW he was going to give after the trial.  "I don't think God's through with me yet...", "To my precious Quinn (insert obligatory fake choking up emotion)..." " and me alone..."

Yeah Johnny, we know.

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