Friday, March 9, 2012

Gotta love America

Michigan has done something that makes sense!  They have stripped a woman of her $200 monthly food stamps after she went on TV bragging about how she was still getting them even after she won a million dollars on a lotto game show.

She cleared a bit over $500,000 after taxes.  Showing her age (24), she went out and bought a car and two houses but she forgot to get a job while she was out doing all that.  It's been a LONG time since winning $500,000 could get  you "set for life" or even legitimize going on a huge spending spree with real estate and cars, especially when you have no job. 

She'll be broke again in a few months (if that) and when she goes back for food stamps this time she'll actually qualify, although for being that much of a loser she wouldn't deserve one penny's worth.  Especially since they're being paid for by those of us that have jobs.

I never will understand how people think they can sit on their behinds and do nothing and that everybody else is responsible for them.  Oh wait a minute.  That's how welfare works, isn't it?  What a joke.

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