Saturday, March 17, 2012

Occupy, RIP. Linsanity, RIP. KONY2012...???

So many people are "shocked" at the news of the bizarre incident involving Jason Russell, the guy we have to thank for the whole #Kony2012 phenomenon.  He's the founder of Invisible Children, the organization behind the video that so many sheep flocked to watch, share on facebook, and retweet blindly without taking five minutes to look into the organization behind it.

A small amount of time spent on Google would have brought you plenty of information about the questionable spending habits/priorities of the organization.  People are a new level of unscrupulous these days and will not hesitate to use a real issue like child trafficking/slavery to tug at your heart AND purse strings.  Wake up and do a little research before you just throw your time, effort, and money behind the cause o' the day.  

We saw it with "Occupy" some time with other people who should be looking for jobs, we saw it with Linsanity, and we're about to watch it happen again.  Problem is, this is a real issue that deserves attention.  The RIGHT kind of attention.  Jason Russell's bad trip bizarre behavior did absolutely nothing to help this cause.  At all.  My hope is that the movement has gained a lot of new people who are sincere about helping to stop this man's atrocities and that they can weed out the bad apples.  This cause deserves nothing less.

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