Friday, March 16, 2012

Happy birthday to me!

I just celebrated my 38th birthday yesterday and, like most people, a bit of reflection was involved in my day.  Especially considering everything I'm going through right now.  We won't get into it, this is all about positive things and awesomeness!  I am so blessed to be walking this earth, had a couple of close calls but God has me here for a reason and I'm kind enjoying myself so I appreciate every day I get on this earth.  Even though on occasion I feel my age, most of the time I don't feel it or look it.  Thanks to my mama's awesome bloodline!  And the grace of God!

It's another day I get to call the people I love and tell them I love them.  It's another day to fight with the snooze button on my phone Monday through Friday from 6:30 to 7:30 when I actually get out of the bed.  A couple of weeks ago I couldn't even do that and as much as my job irritates me, I'm grateful I had it to go back to after months of being stuck at home.  I get another day to listen to Mike & Mike in the morning on the way to work and pray I don't get stuck in traffic and end up late.  Another day of that damn beeping in my car that won't stop and I can't figure out why.  At least I have one.  Another three minute ride to a beautifully unspoiled beach with my laptop.  One more day of being hunched over it, writing the latest whatever comes to more day to hit "publish".  

Some of it seems so silly to some people, but I appreciate the good, the bad, and the ugly because I'm here to experience it all.  It all happens for a reason anyway, so I might as well make the most out of all of it.  "See God in everything."  That's my motto, and I gotta say it does me pretty good!

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