Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Update on school was officially my first day of school.  It was supposed to be yesterday but I had to start today due to some technical difficulties.  I spent hours in the online campus learning my way around and I actually got three homework assignments done.  I had to make myself stop because I still have to log in and participate four times a week.  Since I only have one really easy assignment to do, I figure I'll knock it out tomorrow and submit it another day.  But I'm still excited.  I'm still determined to get this degree too!

I have three weeks of orientation and then the real stuff starts on June 25.  I'm looking forward to the new things I'm going to learn and maybe even some of my classmates as well.  Interested to see what they're like...the ones in my orientation seem to have sense for the most part so that's good.  Might be kinda boring though...but oh well, it is only three weeks.  Hopefully someone will provide some entertainment either way!

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