Thursday, February 16, 2012

Monsters Get Scarier Still

The husband of Susan Powell seems to have planning the murder of his own children for some time.  Authorities are now saying that the home he turned into a fireball and used to murder his kids was nothing more than an elaborate ruse to ward off raising red flags with the authorities.  He went so far as to furnish the home with beds for the boys, presumably for an eventual transition to overnight visits with them.   It takes a particular type of evil to dream up and carry out something like this and this goes to show that he could not have been stopped.  This guy was crazy and patient, a terrible combination.  Thankfully his body will rot in a location apart from those beautiful babies and NOT beside them a his family demanded.  I can't imaging how the Cox family will feel in the coming weeks and months as more details emerge.  I wonder if they can get his father to provide a few from the cell he's sitting in right now.  They remain in my prayers.

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